Friday, September 26, 2008

How to beat stress?

How to beat stress?
To control stress effectively, we must first know what is causing the stress. Once we know the cause, we can try to find suitable ways to cope with it. We can also change the way we react to stress. We would not be able to get rid of stress altogether, but we can manage it at a level that we can handle. The following stress busters are some positive ways to cope with stress.
Plan your time well
Be more organized. Make a list of all the things you need to do and arrange them in order of importance. Decide how much time you need for each job and then stick to your plan.
Be realistic about what you can do
Choose your work according to your own ability and interest. Do not hope for the impossible. Set goals for yourself those are achievable so that you don't become frustrated or discouraged.
Make decisions wisely
Get all the relevant information first - don't make major decisions blindly. Consider the good and bad points of each choice. Involve people who will be affected by the decision in the process.
Learn to like yourself
Don't worry too much about your looks, height, pimples and other faults. Make the best of what you have and learn to accept what you cannot change.
Think positive
Prevent negative feeling from building up. Learn to identify the cause of these feelings and deal constructively with them. Don't blow things out of proportion.
Share your problems
Do not keep all your problems and worries to yourself. Remember you are not alone. Talk to your spouse, friend, supervisor or religious leader. They may have had experience with similar situations and they may be able to suggest a solution to your problem. You may also use the helpline provided.
Make friends
Just as you need a happy family, you also need friends to talk to and laugh with, to visit you and go out with you and to help you in times of need. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you. Respect their views and be patient with their faults. Try giving in to others sometimes - even when you are right.
Keep healthy
Keep your body healthy by exercising regularly, eating wisely and getting enough sleep. Do not turn to cigarettes or alcohol to relieve your stress.

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