Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heavy computer users are in risk of glaucoma

Those who use computers heavily are at greater risk for glaucoma than the general public, particularly those who are short-sighted. Glaucoma is an insidious disease - because one typically does not notice its development. Glaucoma is characterized by increasing loss of peripheral vision eventually leading to severe vision loss.
A 2004 cross-sectional study in 9124 Japanese workers indicated that there was a possible association between heavy computer users and glaucomatous visual field abnormalities. In other words - if you use computers heavily, ie, programers, software engineers, gamers,
The study looked at typical daily computer use, as well as long-term computer use history. More than 500 participants had problems with their peripheral vision. Of that group, one third were found to have glaucoma … perhaps more than a third, since some workers with peripheral vision problems didn’t receive all the testing to accurately diagnose glaucoma.
Even more significant was that heavy computer users who were farsighted or nearsighted seemed to have a higher risk. Nearsightedness was found in 82% of those with glaucoma.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Effective Googling!

This is fantastic, People say "you misplaced sometime at your home? try searching in Google you will find it"... yes Google has become part of our life now a days. We are searching in Google for each and everything and here are some tips to make your Google search effective!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Common Cold!

Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose—everyone knows the first signs of a cold, probably the most common illness known. Although common cold is usually mild, with symptoms lasting not more than one to two weeks, it is a leading cause for doctor visits and missed days from school and work. Children and women are 20% more vulnerable to common cold while the elderly are the least susceptible to the virus. More than 200 different viruses are known to cause the symptoms of the common cold. It is a myth that cold is caused because of the chill outside. The primary causative is the proximity we maintain with the individuals suffering from cold. There is neither cure nor any vaccination to prevent common cold.
Here are some tips though, which you can try before popping those pills!• Rest in bed with your head in a raised position.
• Drink plenty of fluids.
• Gargle frequently with warm salt water or using throat sprays.
• Inhale steam as it may temporarily relieve symptoms of congestion.
• Drink warm water as it helps to relieve congestion, better than brandy.
• Do not immediately pop a pill if you have cold. It will lead to other more serious conditions like sinus.
If the cold persist for more than three days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.